Want To Get Filthy Rich? Be A Socialist.

Geoff Smith Portrait

BY Geoff Smith


This may seem like some two bit piece of goody goody cheeseball Grade 5 idealism. It’s not, it’s about success and money.

And it’s certainly not about the much yakked about ‘Win Win’ approach. Accountability is key. The person who is at fault should lose (though only to the extent

And I’m definitely not pontificating about where I am or EllisDon is, and you should all try and be like us. My 360 degree performance reviews identify an

All that said, here’s what’s wrong with capitalism. In a conflict or disagreement, it’s competitive, me against you. I assemble all my arguments, ignore or hide

It’s wrong. Ayn Rand was wrong. Milton Friedman was wrong. Here’s why: If you establish a reputation for complete openness and complete honesty and

Clients will want to hire you, people will want to work with, suppliers will give you better prices, because everyone will know that if they hang with you, they

But trust is key. Not cleverness, aggressiveness, slyness, ego, or anything else. If you deliver trust, then profound career success and corresponding

As long as you don’t mind being a damned socialist.